PVE® Residential Elevators

Pneumatic Vacuum Elevators

Ranging from a single passenger to a three-passenger wheelchair accessible model, PVE manufactures the only residential elevators powered by one of the most abundant resources in the world… AIR!


PVE® Residential Elevators

Pneumatic Vacuum Elevators

Ranging from a single passenger to a three-passenger wheelchair accessible model, PVE manufactures the only residential elevators powered by one of the most abundant resources in the world… AIR!

PVE 52 – Three Person Wheelchair Accessible Residential Elevator

PVE Residential Elevators PVE 52

Wheelchair Accessible Home Elevators

The PVE52 can be set up to have between two to five stops, which means it can be used in homes up to five stories or a total of 50 feet. It has an external cylinder diameter of 52 11/16 inches. Inside the unit measures a roomy 43 1/2 inches in diameter. This provides enough space for a person in a wheelchair with an attendant or for up to three adults to stand in comfort. The cabin height is 6′ 7″, which is tall enough for provide headroom for most people. Rolling a wheelchair through the 32-inch wide entrance opening is easy to do! With same side or opposite side door offerings, the largest of the residential vacuum elevators can be configured to accommodate almost any elevator installation.

Self-Supporting Home Elevators

This is the largest of the three vacuum elevators, capable of carrying three people or two people if one is in a wheelchair. Even our largest lift takes up less space in your home than other traditional elevators. Like all other vacuum elevators, the PVE52 does not need a separate space for machinery or additional room above and below the lift for a pit. Since the unit has a self-supporting structure, you will not have to add a frame to your home before installing it. This means you can fit this lift anywhere in your home!


Are you in need of a small single passenger elevator? Maybe a wider wheelchair accessible lift? PVE home elevators are designed to meet all homeowner needs! Learn more about all 3 models of our residential elevators below:


The design of the door system is the defining characteristic of each model

We are proud certified professionals for the following elevator & lift manufacturers

Authorized elevator & lift representatives that meet or exceed all local and national safety code requirements.

  • Residential Elevators

Elevator & Lift Projects

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FREE No-Obligation Quote!

Are you looking to install a new lift or elevator? Give us a call and receive a free consultation, which includes a no-obligation quote!